I'm not much further with my Enrscheidungsfindung regarding our telephone and Internet connection. As a precaution I once terminated the old agreement.
As promised by the provider is a terminal with a capacity up to 16,000 kbit / s (whatever that may mean?), But the actual performance is often well below the previously ordered 6000 kbit / s. Us when requesting a service employee was on the phone to answer
well, in the evening and on weekends to go into the network containing many, and the line would no longer ago.
Since I could not help laughing out loud, ... if I find it funny.
But as last night told of the jungle is endless. A provider would
149th for me - even a sell € Smartpad my phone connection, I need it? And all I offer an exclusive special, the "so" applies only to the end of the month, and then never again.
me Can anyone offer advice there? Whether to order nice gentleman from the television advertising time for us back home who always advertises that its customers will be completely satisfied?
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