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here is still a very horny text, the Fred has unearthed:
Some time ago I began to learn what is the prophetic and what is it with us musicians to do. I found evidence in the Bible that spoke of that music can actually predict. The main musicians under David and Solomon were instructed to prophesy to Lyra, harps and cymbals. Other evidence shows that music actually "Talk" about God can. For example, in Psalm 49:5 "I will incline my ear and saying a word express my riddle at the sound of the harp." The word "riddle" in Hebrew means 'chiydah' and it means "difficult issue" or "dark sentence". The Psalmist is saying, "I'll play my harp, and you shall try to find out what my games for a meaning."
Sometimes it goes in the prophetic rather than merely to announce future events, but to reveal what is hidden or under the surface. We know that is often mentioned in Scripture, such as the creation itself about God "speaks" (Psalm 19:1, 50:6, 97:6). Therefore It is only natural if we assume that the music "speak" the same can. Our ears must be trained just enough to hear, just as our eyes can be trained to recognize the work of God in creation.
To exercise the prophetic, it needs more attention. We must be attuned to the nature of the prophetic and how it works, especially in music. Many have never learned how to listen to the voice of God and to recognize them. Often it is not possible to see them behind the seen and feel what is really happening in one place. To be a musician who understands the prophetic, we must dig a little deeper to the secret to get to the bottom. I think it belongs to the calling of a worship leader, this prophetic aspect to be included in our service. We must learn to feel what the Lord is doing in each service as well as in any other situation in which we play. It is as if you feel which way the wind blows (some people notice absolutely no breeze, then up to them by the hair is blown each other).
(an excerpt from Strauss standard teaching on "the use of the prophecy in evangelism praise")