Why worship? It happens that people take any instruments and to produce sounds. this jump them and also make noise with your throat / mouth. the talk is of music.
if the sounds are Christian, is called the praise ... ;-)
God dwells in the praises of his people ... We love to play and sing for God, because we know that God loves it when we do that. But what actually happens in worship?
I used to always thought that real worship means goose bumps and shivers down your back. If that happens, it is "successful" praise, because God's presence is felt. Until I once was a concert at Philharmonic NEM. Since I had exactly the same. Shivers up the spine, goose bumps. The only had nothing with God to do!
I believe that worship is a give without taking.
But more of a give and receive (note the difference).
I think that we often praise, in order to feel good, refuel, etc. If that works then non-God is the same distance, or the like. I've had the experience when I give my heart and really sincerely heartfelt praise make (and if we are honest, how many times we just do not). Then I met the joy that I may worship God!
I think you always receive when you give. But if you are to receive, starting materials may be empty ...
Yesterday I sat down, with a guitar in hand and sang:
Jesus I love you, my only wish is: keep my heart, let me never left you, I want to love you must always ...
I think I've sung wrong and the text fitted to all non-rhythm. But I was crying ... Just wiel jesus love so incredible, beautiful, wonderful, incredible!
Frede once said, he felt the praise, like Leonardo di Caprio in Titanic (.. on the vessel at you know the scene). (I hear just turn stomachs
;-) But that's what you go. Love him to be Jesus and honest, romantic (gay?) To sing love songs. the well may bludgeon auchma ;-)
to surrender completely to God is perhaps the most violent, but also the most beautiful, what a man can do it at all!
willo freak 2004